Data Science

Data Science

At BYS Grup, we define data mining as the junction point of Statistics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We practice data mining processes for analyzing structured & unstructured data from different perspectives, discovering patterns and trends for sound business decisions, improved business processes, better data quality and enhanced customer satisfaction. Utilizing descriptive (e.g. clustering, relationship analysis, etc.), predictive (e.g. regression, neural networks, decision tree algorithms, etc.) and data visualization methods, we solve demands of our clients that could not be addressed through simple query and reporting techniques. Big data or not, with the power of employing techniques of Descriptive, Predictive and Rescriptive Analytics, we can provide answers to the questions of not only "what or when will it happen?" but also "why will it happen?"

Our services within the context of Data Sciences cover, but are not limited to:

  • Anomaly Detection
  • Fraud Detection
  • Forecasting
  • Credit Scoring and Score Card Design
  • Improvement of Data Quality
  • Risk Management
  • Churn Analysis
  • Customer Behavior Analysis
  • Customer Lifetime Analysis
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Market Basket Analysis
  • Principal Component Analysis
  • Social Media and Sentimental Analysis
  • Text Mining