EUROGIA FOSSIS3 – Forecasting of Spatial Solar Irradiation and Support in 3D for Urban Areas EU2030-19-3

Project Title 39

EUROGIA FOSSIS3 – Forecasting of Spatial Solar Irradiation and Support in 3D for Urban Areas EU2030-19-3

Name of legal entity


Name of client

Origin of funding



Name of consortium

members, if any

BYS Grup




R&D 1509 Fund


March 2023 – March 2026

BYS Grup

KLC Soft


Detailed description of project

Type and scope of services provided

Aim of the project is to create a clean energy planning tool for solar energy estimation and analytical approaches to support physical improvement strategies in the building sector. The goals of the project are: Transferring building structure models to the map environment; Storage of building geometry models to the map environment; Creation of a sample 3D city model; Producing new and innovative modelling solution with CityGML data format, Calculation of solar radiation values incident on the surface; Estimation of the future solar potential; Compliance analysis; Providing thematic display of solar radiation values on the map on residential basis; Developing a business model for different customer groups as an info/date provider; Paving the way for new project proposals that can improve the R&D capabilities with field specific analysis solutions on building structure models (BIM); Acquiring technological skills that can be transferred to different fields.

There are 9 work packages within the scope of the project. BYS Group is responsible for 3 of the work packages. The following activities are carried out under the project under the leadership of BYS:

  • Project Management and Reporting
  • Specifications and Requirements
  • Semantically Enriched 3D City Model Concept
  • FoSSIS3 Architecture
  • FoSSIS3 Use Case Definitions
  • FoSSIS3 Web Development
  • FoSSIS3 Solar Radiation Calculations and Data Analytics Platform
  • Integration, Demonstration and Validation
  • Dissemination and Exploitation of Results


        These will be achieved with the following provision of the following services:

  • Project Management: Project Integration Management, Project Scope Management, Project Time Management, Project Cost Management, Project Quality Management, Project Human Resource Management, Project Communications Management, Project Risk Management, Project Procurement Management, Project Stakeholder Management
  • Informatics: Mobile Technologies, IoT, Database Design; Data Modelling; Big Data, Data Integration; Data Collection, Data Cleaning and Data Management; Data Warehouse, ETL (Extract Transform Load) Processes; Design and Application of Data Mart and OLAP Cubes; Data Mining; Software Development and Process Management; Smart Test Systems Software – Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT); Item Bank Calibration.
  • Analytics: Statistical Analysis Applications; Multivariate, Longitudinal and Clustered Data Analysis; Simulation, Projection and Supply-Demand Forecasting; Sampling Selection, Application and Effect Prospecting; Data Mining, Processing, Analysis and Reporting; Application and Adaptation of International Statistical Classification Systems Statistical Modelling and Programming.
  • Data Mining: Anomaly Detection; Fraud Detection; Forecasting; Credit Scoring and Score Card Design; Improvement of Data Quality; Risk Management; Churn Analysis; Customer Behaviour Analysis; Customer Lifetime Analysis; Customer Segmentation; Market Basket Analysis; Principal Component Analysis; Social Media and Sentimental Analysis; Text Mining.