Provision of External Evaluation Services of ENHANCER Project

Project Title 8

Provision of External Evaluation Services of ENHANCER Project

Name of legal entity


Name of client

Origin of funding



Name of consortium

members, if any

BYS Grup


International Centre for Migration Policy Development



December 14, 2023 – ONGOING

BYS Grup

Detailed description of project

Type and scope of services provided

 The ENHANCER project aims to equip Syrians under Temporary Protection (SuTPs) and local host communities LHCs with entrepreneurship skills and provide them with opportunities for business development and job creation based on regional characteristics and local market needs that can contribute to the socio-economic inclusion of the SuTP to the LCH. The overall objective of the ENHANCER project is to improve employment and livelihood opportunities for SuTPs and LHCs in selected provinces with high concentrations of SuTPs.

The ENHANCER project’s specific objectives are to:

  • Supported SuTP and LHC members establish and sustain new enterprises.
  • Supported existing enterprises owned by SuTP and LHC members expanded.
  • Institutional and policy environment in target provinces for supporting SuTP-owned enterprise development improved.
  • Access for SuTP and LHC entrepreneurs to market opportunities and business support services improved and sustained.

Under the “Provision of External Evaluation Services of ENHANCER Project” contract, evaluation of the ENHANCER project accordingly with the OECD’s DAC (Development Assistance Committee) criteria will be conducted. The evaluation will be focused primarily on assessing progress towards the achievement of planned results using project indicators as well as assess the project design (activities/components, theory of change, assumptions, log frame) for their capacity to contribute to and achieve its planned results.

The main aim of the evaluation is to provide the donor and ICMPD with sufficient information to:

  • Assess and document the achievement of the project’s results and objectives since project’s start.
  • Asses the quality and focus of the project’s overall design, including components, activities, theory of change, assumptions, and log frame in relation to capacity to contribute to project results.
  • Support organisational learning at ICMPD and generate lessons which can inform the design and implementation of the project and the future interventions.
  • Provide recommendations on to enhance project design, replication, scale up and/or potential future projects.

BYS Grup will conduct an evaluation of project results and assess capacity of design to contribute to results. This can include, but is not limited to:

  • Reviewing the intervention logic as documented in the theory of change and log frame,
  • Developing a set of evaluation questions focused on progress toward project objectives and results achieved as well as the strength of the project’s intervention logic and design,
  • Constructing a synthetic baseline using project administrative data,
  • Choosing an approach to the evaluation and methodology(ies) able to address each evaluation question,
  • Creating an evaluation matrix that convenes the evaluation questions, sub questions, indicators, and methods,
  • Developing data collection tools and analytic approach that align with the evaluation matrix.
  • Conducting the evaluation as designed, reporting on evaluation progress monthly, including progress on data collection and early results as they become available.

The evaluation proposal will include a clear approach to the evaluation, which is separate from the description of the methodology(ies) to be used (which will also be included). Besides, it is going to describe how the approach and methodology(ies) will be used to address the proposed evaluation questions, as well as to assess project progress and results and where planned, to test the project’s intervention logic.

As the approach will incorporate a descriptive, summative outcomes-focused evaluation of project progress and results as well as an analysis of the strength of the theory of change, the evaluation is going to propose a mix of professional evaluation methodologies to address the evaluation questions and assess progress against project indicators.