Smart Platform for Robot Management and Coordination with AI powered Cloud (RoboNimbus)

Project Title 34

Smart Platform for Robot Management and Coordination with AI powered Cloud (RoboNimbus)


Name of legal entity


Name of client

Origin of funding



Name of consortium

members, if any

BYS Grup


EU – Eureka ITEA Cluster



01.01.2021 – 01.01.2024

BYS Grup

Polonom Robotics;

Korean Institute of Robotics & Technology (KIRO);

GES Engineering Co., Ltd.;

Hytton Technologies AB;

Samaratug Ltd.;

Detailed description of project

Type and scope of services provided

Usage of robots in manufacturing operations such as material handling applications including material transfer, loading, unloading, processing operations, assembly and inspection are common. In addition to manufacturers, other industries such as healthcare are now recognizing the significant benefits that autonomous mobile robots can offer. 

During the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, robots found to be particularly useful by supporting medical staff and limiting the possibility of virus spread. Robot-led manufacturing plants or field hospitals staffed by robots and other smart [Internet of Things] devices bring the need of smart management and smart decisions to be taken centrally. 

In RoboNimbus proposal, an AI powered cloud-based management system for corporate robots performing various kinds of duties and services. RoboNimbus is a technology stack and it provides services as “Anything as a service” (XaaS) Cloud model. Various applications and services will also be developed with a special emphasis on artificial intelligence techniques applied to ground mobile robots and manipulators. 

The management system manages the priorities and selects the most suitable robot(s) to the operation that needs to be carried out, based on capability, position, and availability. The system also monitors the robot health parameters. 

One of the major challenges for Multi Robot Systems is to design appropriate coordination strategies between the robots that enable them to perform operations efficiently in terms of time and working space. Without AI based techniques, efficiency will drop rapidly as the number and variety of robots utilized increase. 

In RoboNimbus, AI powered capabilities like SLAM, social navigation, visual recognition, frame-based dialogue management, VR for robotic systems will be developed and provided as services. 

  • Project management, coordination and IPR 
  • Project management plan 
  • Data management plan 
  • Biannual periodic report and financial statements 
  • Gender balance report 
  • Final report 
  • Use case requirements management 
  • Exploitation and dissemination of project outputs 
  • Dissemination and communication plan 
  • RoboNimbus website 
  • Brochures, posters, newsletters 
  • Exploitation plan 
  • Application and algorithm development for smart sensing, smart voice, AI and DL/ML Methodologies 
  • Development of smart maintenance services 
  • Development of multirobot coordination algorithm