Technical Assistance for Agrigenomics Hub -Animal and Plant Genomics Research Innovation Center (EuropeAid/140061/IH/SER/TR)

Project Title 5

Technical Assistance for Agrigenomics Hub -Animal and Plant Genomics Research Innovation Center 


Name of legal entity


Name of client

Origin of funding



Name of consortium

members, if any

BYS Grup


Republic of Türkiye

Ministry of Industry & Technology



20.01 2021 –

20.07.2023 (30 months)

+ extension requested till 21.05 2024

BYS Grup

Diadikasia Business Consulting S.A [DBC Europe S.A.(BE)],


Detailed description of project

Type and scope of services provided

 The project is part of the Competitiveness, and Innovation Sector Operational Programme (CISOP) in IPA II; being implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Technology of Republic of Türkiye.

The overall objective of the project is to develop thematic competencies in Agrigenomics Sector to increase research and development capacities of Turkey as well as competitiveness and growth of SMEs in the sector. There are two results to be achieved: 

  • Having operational and accredited Agri genomics Hub- Animal and Plant Genomics Research innovation Centre and shared infrastructure for SMEs/entrepreneurs in the field 
  • Increasing the Productivity and Product Development Capabilities of the Agri genomics SMEs and Entrepreneurs in the field 

Contracting Authority and Operating Structure is: Ministry of industry and Technology, DG for European Union and Foreign Affairs, Directorate of EU Financial Programmes (MolT/DoEUFP). 

End Recipient of Assistance (ERA) is Ankara University Technopolis.

Agri genomics Hub which will be operationalized within this project, and going to be high technology design, prototype manufacturing and testing provider for food, agriculture and livestock breeding sectors. SMEs will be using Agrigenomics Hub's accredited infrastructure for their research. SMEs will also have access to and be able to implement their R&D and R&I projects benefiting from EU – R&I funding schemes, in collaboration with academia, incubation, mentorship and accelerator programmes. This way SMEs will be enabled to reach high tech food, agriculture and animal husbandry markets. 

In order to address the issues mentioned above, Agrigenomics Hub will be operationalized to serve as a specialized Hub on high technology design and prototype manufacturing for Agrigenomics sector SMEs and entrepreneurs, as well as capacity building for growth of the mentioned SMEs through access to finance and funding institutions within Turkiye and abroad.

Therefore, Agrigenomics Hub project is based on the pillars of product development and competitiveness and growth through accessing sustainable finance.

  • Preparation of Capability Assessment Report for biotechnology sector identification and mapping  
  • Preparation of business plan for the Hub. 
  • Support for Accreditation of the labs of the Hub and preparation of Service Manuals.  
  • Technical and managerial training for Hub staff. 
  • Development and operationalization of the agrigenomics hub portal platform and website
  • Producing Best-Practices Book
  • Establishment and reinforcement of business and research partnerships through at least 3 study visits and preparation for the following studies: 
  • University-Industry Cooperation Strategy 
  • IPR Strategy 
  • National and International Cooperation Roadmap 
  • Promotion of Agri genomics Hub and dissemination of activities of the Hub 
  • Delivery of Business Development and Mentoring services to SMEs being in the R&I Centre, and other client SMEs for accessing EU-R&I funding schemes (Horizon Europe, Eureka, Eurostar and the like) to increase SMEs’ capacities for growth.
  • Delivery of Capacity Building and Awareness Raising activities to the SMEs and entrepreneurs to increase their level of awareness and application capacity for EU-R&I funding schemes.  
  • Creation of an incubation centre model   
  • Developing Agrigenomics Hub mentoring system 
  • Designing and delivering training programmes for Hub beneficiaries 
  • Organizing partner-matching events for joint ventures with EU firms. 
  • Developing project proposals for local and EU funds and joint activities for commercialization and financing opportunities.  
  • Preparing on the job training (OJT) program for Agri genomics Hub staff 
  • Creating a Start-up Help Desk for entrepreneurs