Technical Assistance for Improving Job and Vocational Counselling Services Project (IQ JVC)

Project Title 6

Technical Assistance for Improving Job and Vocational Counselling Services Project (IQ JVC)

Activity 1.3 Development of Vocational Orientation Tests and Online Counselling Applications (LUMP SUM)

Name of legal entity


Name of client

Origin of funding



Name of consortium

members, if any

BYS Grup


Türkiye Employment Agency (İŞKUR)



01 August 2022

01 February 2024

DAI Global Austria GmbH & Co KG (leader)

BYS Grup (subcontractor)

Detailed description of project

Type and scope of services provided

The development of online vocational orientation and counselling tests will enable the collation and analysis of robust data for human resources aspect of economic development. The project is for the development of the institutional capacity of iŞKUR. Concerning the needs of İŞKUR services in Türkiye, the scope of the test developments will be covering 2 different target groups. Specifically, these target groups are:

  • Target Group A: 7., 8., 9., 10., 11. grade students.
  • Target Group B: Adults (Registered İŞKUR jobseeker adults).

This will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public employment and career guidance services by enabling better targeting of services and resources. Using these tests, the İŞKUR Job and Vocational Counsellors will be better able to assist, evaluate and direct registered jobseekers in career choice through training and vocational job search.

“Vocational orientation test will be prepared both with its theoretical background and IT component. The content will be compatible and transferred to İŞKUR web site. To ensure proper career choices and direct young people and students, as a software, vocational orientation test battery is expected to be: An inventory in which at least three of abilities,

interests, professional values and personality traits of the individual that (e.g., interest, personality and ability) can be evaluated together should be developed or adapted to Türkiye. The test should include questions based on a person’s statement as well as performance-based questions. The test should be able to produce a result by evaluating all the fields together as well as producing separate result for each field that it evaluates (their abilities, interests, professional values, and personality traits).


The report should include the evaluation of each field and suggestions for what the individual should do/improve in these fields.”

Development of Item Pool

  • Creation of the Item Pool
  • Determination of Test Battery Sub-Dimensions
  • Writing Items
  • Item Pool and Visual Design Meeting
  • Reviewing Items According to Assessment and Evaluation Criteria
  • Items Design and Compilation
  • Adaptive Testing Software Design and Development - 1st Prototype
  • Software Functional Tests

Trial Field Work

  • Determination of Trial Field Work Sample
  • Trainer - Practitioner Training
  • Psychometric Analysis
  • Data Analysis
  • Adaptive Testing Software Development – 2nd Prototype

Creating Norm Table and Norm Field Work

  • Adaptive Testing Software Commissioning
  • Adaptive Test Software Validation and Commissioning
  • Norm Field Work and Training
  • Norm Field Work
  • Psychometric and Data Analysis
  • Assessment of Norm Field Work Results