Technical Assistance for The Provision of Capacity Building Measures to The Ministry of Health in Turkey for Strengthening Healthcare Infrastructure for All (SHIFA) Project


Project Title 4

 Technical Assistance for The Provision of Capacity Building Measures to The Ministry of Health in Turkey for Strengthening Healthcare Infrastructure for All (SHIFA) Project

Name of legal entity


Name of client

Origin of funding



Name of consortium

members, if any

BYS Grup


Republic of Türkiye

Ministry of Health

Council of Europe Development Bank


December 31, 2021 –

December 31, 2024 (36 months)

BYS Grup

Detailed description of project

Type and scope of services provided

 The influx of Syrian refugees to Türkiye created various problems for the country and EU.  As a result, Türkiye is hosting millions of refugees at present. 

Accommodation, cultural shock, education of minors and health facilities were among the issues for refugees. The EU has become the leading donor to support Türkiye with this challenge. In 2015 “The Facility for Refugees in Turkey – FRIT” was established. Health care is one of the most important components of FRIT. In 2020 a second project FRIT 2 was set up for health care infrastructure projects named as “Strengthening Healthcare Infrastructure for all – SHIFA” project. This project is a direct grant of EUR 210 million to the Turkish Ministry of Health (MoH) to secure healthcare services to refugees as well as local people.

Expected outputs of the SHIFA project are:

  • New E/MHCs (Extended/Migrant Health Centres) constructed and existing ones renovated
  • Healthcare facilities supplied with new medical devices/equipment
  • - PTR (Physical Therapy) units in selected hospitals equipped
  • - Increased refugees’ awareness of newly available health services
  • - Increased capacity of MoH to procure and manage the implementation of health infrastructure projects.

Therefore, SHIFA project is divided into 1) Physical capacity development: construction and renovation of related hospitals for E/MHCs and PTRs, 2) Provision of medical equipment, 3) Monitoring and reporting and supporting activities of risk management and capacity building.

  • Project at hand is category 3 above. Supervision of all construction and equipment procurement for the health infrastructure of SHIFA project. In the project, 65 new MHCs is to be constructed, 52 MHCs upgraded, and various PTRs constructed for refugees as annexes to hospitals. As a result, 8.500.000 consultations are to be provided to refugees and 200.000 refugees will be provided with physical rehabilitation services in 2024.

Aim of the present project is preparation of a management information system for the monitoring of the physical health investments for hospitals, physical therapy sections to be carried out in 25 provinces of Turkiye. Because of the diverse nature of the investments and distribution in various provinces, an effective, efficient, and robust monitoring and reporting system (Monitoring Management Information System - MMIS) will be established to support the MoH in delivering the project outputs. The MMIS to be developed will have an efficient system and process for gathering, analysing, evaluating, and reporting construction of health facilities and equipment procurement data to track progress and will include formal monitoring channel(s) amongst key stakeholders to determine progress and successful outputs/results.

The other two activities of the project are supporting activities for the set-up of MMIS. The Contractor will provide support to effectively manage project risks by systematically identifying (early detection) project delivery risks within the various processes, systems, human activities, and to develop risk amelioration responses. The Contractor will also provide logistical support and report on all capacity building measures undertaken. 

Establishment of Monitoring Management Information System - MMIS for SHIFA project:

Management of a service provider for MMIS and monitoring of the project.

  • Preparation of ToR, defining the evaluation and analysis stages of the data to be collected for the SHIFA project, including baseline data collection and analysis, performance data collection and analysis.
  • Selecting a subcontractor for preparing the evaluation software according to the requirements of the ToR.
  • Monitoring and management of the software to follow the stages of construction and equipment provision.
  • Preparing Monitoring and Reporting Manual & Training Contents on the Use of MMIS Software.
  • Providing Support for Continuous Functioning of MMIS for Monitoring and Reporting of Project Cycle.
  • The following two activities are support activities for MMIS.

Supporting Activity - Risk Management:

  • Coordinating and supporting delivery of an introduction workshop for risk management 
  • Preparing risk management materials and adoption process 
  • Supporting MoH in updating and submitting the Risk Register 
  • Developing and updating Gantt charts and a procurement tracking system 

Supporting Activity -Capacity Building:

  • Designing and rolling out a training and support plan for system users for risk management and trainings 
  • Providing workshops and follow up training on updating the risk maps and operational manuals for capacity building. 

 So far, two workshops have been implemented: one related to procurement and one related to risk management.